
sometimes i wish he would just hit me so the wounds would be more obvious.

sometimes i wish he would just cheat on me again so i can toss his ass out.

sometimes i wish his family would witness his constant criticism and ridicule, but that will never happen.

sometimes i wish he would just fall in love with someone else and leave forever.

sometimes i wish he would fall in love with me so i could live a normal life with a normal marriage.

sometimes i wish i could fast forward a couple years and already be divorced by now.

sometimes i wish i could just be done with this life.  but not really.  just be done with this life with him and be on my own.

sometimes i wish i could be 19 again and not have ever met him.



2 thoughts on “sometimes

  1. Mommytay, it is a hard life to live with someone who says one thing and then acts in a completely opposite way. i used to pray every night that he would cheat on me so i could kick him out. i would pray for my marriage to end, in whichever way that might be. now, of course, i realize that only I can change my life. i will change it for me, my children, and maybe even for him. either way, i can’t keep living my life on “sometimes”.


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